ENISE French Students

Information for ENISE students about Internship in GranaSAT Research Group


GranaSAT Aerospace Electronics Group  offers the opportunity to participate in internships or placements in our laboratory. There is an internal regulation for admission of interns where the requirements and conditions of each type of program are detailed

  • ONLY INTERNSHIP. This option is for students from other universities or education programs who want to participate in an internship or traineeship at the GranaSAT Lab. within the parameters of the University of Granada´s Programmes and Agreements. For this, the student should follow this procedure to get the internship approved.

The GranaSAT Head, Prof. Andrés Roldán (amroldan at ugr.es)  from the Electronics Department will be the tutoring advisor and after the internship a student performance certificate will be send to the ENISE Service Relations Internationales.

GranaSAT research group WEB site is https://granasat.ugr.es and ENISE students can follow this link to know what research and development projects are offered. Contact the GranaSAT Head to select the research activity that fits better with your skills and motivation.

 First of all student shall contact GranaSAT head to do an agreement with the basic conditions for the placement/traineeship. You must send your proposal  and include:

  • Full name
  • Home Institution
  • Home country
  • And the programme or agreement for where you want to complete your traineeship.
  • Specify the expected dates of your mobility period.
  • Candidate CV (PDF, maximum 2 pages) covering knowledge and abilities.
  • Candidate English  certification, and/or Spanish certification if available.
  • A motivation and expectations letter for the internship or for your traineeship (PDF, maximum 1 page).
  • A recommendation letter from an university professor or an academic supervisor from the applicant’s current university.
  • An official copy of academic records (PDF, in English, with the university stamp).

With this proposal, the GranaSAT Team decides if we can accept you as an approved trainee student or not.  If you are accepted, you must agree with the General Conditions of Placement: duration, and dates of the Traineeship by e-mail.


After acceptance, you must apply for an Official Authorization to do the traineeship at UGR. To apply, please complete the online form that consists of three steps:

a). Student information and mobility details (to be completed by the student).

b). Confirmation of acceptance from the GranaSAT Lab. of the traineeship (The GranaSAT Head will confirm and complete this). If you complete the application without the prior confirmation of item a)., you might be refused the permission necessary for the traineeship.

c). Validation from the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization for international students. Here, the proposed terms and conditions of your traineeship will be examined to see if they meet the provisions of the program or agreement. In the case where your application does not meet the provisions of the program, an office assistant will contact you through email to discuss how to fix any problems with the application. When the internship or traineeship is linked to another international program, that is not Erasmus, the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization will require you or your home university to confirm the requested practice conditions.

Through the approval of the online application, you will receive a letter signed by the University of Granada administration. This letter will establish the basic conditions for the internship or traineeship and these conditions cannot be modified. Your official acceptance will be communicated to the office where you will be working (GranaSAT Lab.).

When you receive your acceptance letter, you can request the documents previewed in the agreement, program, or project to be signed . :


Formato de Acuerdo de Aprendizaje para Prácticas Erasmus + en español
Learning Agreement for Traineeships Erasmus + English version
Learning Agreement for Traineeships Erasmus + French version
Learning Agreement for Traineeships Erasmus + German version

i. When the internship or traineeship is recognized by Erasmus Programme, confirmed by UGR admissions, the signed learning agreement for traineeships will be directed to the person designated as supervisor of the internship.

ii. In the case of other programs and agreements, you should send the documentation signed and/or authorized by your home institution complete with the signature of the person responsible for communicating with the UGR (What is needed in the case of other programs). When the original documentation is required, please attach a stamped envelope with your complete postal address.

6. Upon your arrival to the University of Granada, you should go to the International Relations Office to introduce yourself and verify your authorization. After the verification, we will give you credentials that will provide access to different university services. To get these credentials you must provide::

1. Copy of passport or National Identification Card
2. Copy of medical and travel insurance.
3. When applicable, a copy of the a special insurance certificate (civil liability)
4. If the internship is recognized under the Erasmus Program, include a copy of the Learning Agreements for Traineeships, signed by the people responsible from the home institution and at the UGR.
5. If the internship is not ERASMUS:

5.1. If there is an agreement with the UGR: include a letter from your home University, signed and stamped, stating that you are or have been a student there indicating the type of agreement with the UGR.

5.2. If there is not an agreement with the UGR: include a letter from your home University, signed and stamped, stating that you are or have been a student there and provide also a copy of the transcript of records from your University.